Archive for April, 2012

Keep moving!

Posted: April 3, 2012 in FOR THE DAY

During one festive season after so much deliberation, arguments and endless suggestions from a couple of friends we settled on going for a boat ride across the ocean in the city of Mombasa. This was to be a thrilling experience owing to the fact that life in Nairobi city is always hectic day in day out with no room whatsoever for a relaxing moment.

Having travelled to Kenya’s coast for a well deserved break was in itself a deserved break as well as a satisfactory venture. A couple of days after arriving in Mombasa we headed to one of the public beaches to marvel at the wonders of creation and precisely to have a sunny day right in the ocean! Together with my friends we got onto a hired boat and with our captain (the coxswain) ready, our journey across the ocean set off. Slowly the boat was rowed in ultimate expertise as I kept looking back and forth not really being able to answer the many weird questions that crossed my mind…what if our captain got tired in the middle of the ocean? What if our weight became too much all of a sudden? What if our boat just “refused” to toe the line?!What if….?

Slowly we moved deeper into the waters, as the shore in equal proportion seemed to get smaller and smaller by the minute. At one point when we were deep into the ocean sudden silence engulfed the whole place. No one was speaking, not even trying to move the feet in the ecstatic mood that we were initially in! I felt mixed feelings of a cold shiver, stomach rumbles, random shaking of my body as if I had all of a sudden developed flu! All I can say is that at that point I was literally dying to live! As I turned my neck around I noticed the shore had almost disappeared and to make matters worse our destination was nowhere in sight! Left, right, back, front, everywhere water! You can imagine how fast my heart was beating!

Just as a sigh of relief I watched as we slowly advanced towards the destination shore, all this while wishing that I had wings to fly off to the shore within the twinkling of an eye! All this while as I wished I could fly, I was held back by the reality that I could never be a bird and that I should take my journey step by step!

Minutes later were at the shore thanks to our expert pilot. Of course we had to settle his side of the bargain and amicably we went our different ways. I watched him (our boat “captain”) as he walked away majestically, counting his fortune just to ascertain that it was the correct figure that we had agreed upon and of course heading straight to other willing customers ready for a ride across the ocean!

Later on that evening I sat down alone and quietly tried to reflect about the events of that day and without doubt concluded that in life, just like in my boat adventure, you have to lose focus of the shore if you are to move to the next shore.

As you move towards realizing your goals, you must remember that there are times when you will get frightened, at times you will feel like giving up altogether but in all this keep your eyes on the price, keep moving until you can no longer see the comfortable shore where you were, keep sailing through the deep sea of challenges and struggles and for sure you will see the destination shore from a distance getting closer and closer!

Go for that goal, score that goal, celebrate that goal!