To you daddies: Happy Fathers’ Day

Posted: June 17, 2013 in FOR THE DAY

From me to you fathers on Fathers’ day:
By Andrew:

Listen to this phone conversation…..take note I wrote listen to this…not read this!

“Hi sweetheart? I just called to thank you for all that you have done and all the countless times that you have been there for our baby, I can never quantify that but all I can say is may the Lord bless you abundantly.”
The man went silent absorbing the statement and responded in a deep voice… “Thanks a lot.”
“And how is our baby doing today…?….”
“Mmmh she’s a little dull possibly due to medication but it shall be well…”
“It is already well sweetheart.”

This is conversation a friend of mine had with his love…apparently the woman had travelled far for some professional appointments but evidently the fire that keeps them glued together through the soft and the turbulent times was strongly intact.

As the world takes time to celebrate fathers I take time to celebrate fathers who have at all costs stood by their loving daughters and sons through it all: those who have waded through the storms to ensure their kids get good education, quality medication and a sumptuous meal on a good dinner table. The men who have gallantly fought for what they believed was good and rightful enough for their families, those who endlessly toiled in whichever small way and brought so much love to the dinner table.

To the men who have boldly accepted their mistakes in their relationships and earnestly worked towards having their vows go unbroken, I celebrate you. You may have wronged your better halves a thousand and one times, been dumped into the cold for obvious reasons- you stink like a brewery daily, you sneak under the wire to feast on the other “Wambui” to satisfy your selfish stick, the list is endless… you have stood up once again and remembered that beautiful daughter, that handsome son looks up to you for wise counsel and inspiration…… Honourable fathers, I celebrate you.

Look at how an amazing spectacle it is when a mother sits at a far off corner and warmly smiles as she watches how her daughter or son “wrestles” with the father as they get to bond a little more and understand each other better. The many evenings when the slim list of golden hearted dads witness an evening of small gift sharing ranging from lollipop to balloons and even marbles. Shooting straight to you daddy outside there-keep working hard, keep moving, keep loving, keep flourishing, keep going on and being there for your sweet kids for in your eyes you are their ultimate hero.

From me, the under the wire site technocrat, to you my love, thanks for your communication to me on Father’s day…..I know u remember it…. it was awesome to say the least, humbling and uplifting. I will strive to always be the best I can be and once again thanks a lot, you are a part of me that can never be apart. To you I say the vows go unbroken. Our love story is endless and so at this point all I can say is ……to be continued…

May each and every day be a HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

Au revoir.

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