Archive for August, 2014

Today I choose…..

Posted: August 4, 2014 in FOR THE DAY

Today I choose………………….
By Andrew.

Today I choose to try a little harder
Despite all the hurdles ahead I chose to surge ahead

Today I choose to forget my mistakes of yesterday
Even though many a person look towards me and judge me by my past failures
I still choose to ignore to their sentiments
For I know deep down that they slanders are powerless if they have no audience in me

Today I choose to forgive my foes and adversaries
Even though they attack me endlessly
I understand that the best way to win against them is to lose in their contests

Today I choose to make peace with my past
For I now pretty well that the key to my personal fulfillment today and tomorrow lies in that
Today I choose to shed off all my detractors for sticking to them is giving mediocrity unwarranted space

Today I choose to extend a hand of help to my brother in need
I understand that in my little way I will have contributed towards the betterment of our society

Indeed today I choose to say sorry
Many are the times I have offended and done wrong to you my dear friends
Many are the seasons I have misjudged, mistreated, mishandled, misquoted and even misguided you
But despite all this, I still accept that I stand accused and make a heart-felt apology
For I understand that only strong hearts make apologies

I choose to live life to the fullest today for I know that yesterday is gone, today is here and tomorrow is not yet in my grasp!

I choose to write to you
For I know that through this I will reach you wherever you are!
I choose to end here!!!