Archive for May, 2016

Take time….

Posted: May 4, 2016 in FOR THE DAY

By Andrew,The sky

Take time
Take time to help out, this might just be the turning point in someone else’s life,
Take time to show kindness, you never know how much of a treasure you will have planted in someone’s life,
Take time to listen, your silence and attention might just be what will unlock a dead end and give life to a new beginning,
Take time to make your opinion, this might just be the icing on the cake,
Take time to show love, this might be seed that will light up peace the world over,
Take time before reacting in anger, as they say anger is one letter short of danger,
Take time to give back, you never know whether you might be entertaining an angel from up above,
Take time to be with your family, these are the people who will hold you when everything else fails,
Take time to say sorry, it might just be the swing word to peace,
Take time to say thank you, it might go a long way towards empowering someone else,
Take time to believe in yourself, you might just be what the world was waiting for,
Take time to pray for only HE knows about tomorrow.