Archive for August, 2016

Letter to myself

Posted: August 11, 2016 in FOR THE DAY


By Andrew.

Dear Mr. Andrew,

As you take time to reflect on what life has been, and may become in the future take time to say a silent prayer to God for the special gift of life, a gift that is beyond any price tag, a gift only He can accord you. As you life  do ensure each step you make is a bold one, be enthusiastic about what the future holds for you and strive to always do your best and give your best in this game that is life.

Do you recall how several years ago as a young boy you grew up under the watchful eye of your loving parents. You went through each and every day without really knKeep movingowing how a big hustle it was for your mum and papa to fend for you and your brothers and sisters. There were many days that you literally “survived” the absence of a meal by a whisker, thanks to your parents unwavering love and devotion. They would work long hours at their work station in your town just to get some bread and flour, more often than not only coming home with little flour minus bread. Either way life kept moving step by step.

You are now a grown man, grown of age, physique and intellect, you have crossed many bridges and waded through many waters. Through all these, I still see you as a luminary, as a young man with a bright future, a man who against all odds will indeed be a somebody, a maestro in all spheres that define what success is, a beacon of hope, a voice of reason. I hope you still recall what a struggle it was for you to get through college education and finally graduate. I hear that at the moment you are placing an application seeking a job at some international organisation, keep the faith and submit your application for I know you are capable and you are also passionate about serving in humanitarian spheres. Kindly let me know in a few days’ time about your application’s outcome!

You have been a great friend all along and I would urge you to take care of the little things since those are the segments that define life, that is what differentiates success from failure. Do you remember the movie titanic? You informed me that you once watched it a few years back. The great ship was sunk by an iceberg many times smaller than it! As you move forward, just like a photographer keep your focus on the main object, the focal point, the centre of interest, your goal, your success game plan, your blue print. Ensure your focus is clear, if you happen to capture a wrong object simply click delete and retake your photo.

Finally Andrew, always remember that success in this game of life is not the opposite of failure, someone once told me that an athlete may cross the finish line last but if he beats his best time record then he is successful! Take a risk and make something out of your  life ahead, you have been given two ears and one mouth so that you can talk less and listen more! Surge forward and always remember that whenever you hit a dead end, count your blessings and keep moving!