When You Hit Rock Bottom

Posted: March 1, 2021 in FOR THE DAY

By Andrew Mayende

Let’s face it- this world is a tough and merciless master. Sometimes it throws mud right in your face and gives you unimaginable pain. Take a moment to think of what many people around the world are going through. Painful job losses, covid19 deaths all over, broken families, depression, stress related ailments and much more. Sometimes things seem to go in the complete opposite direction, and when one unfavourable thing after another happens, we feel like we are sliding towards a painful and irreversible downward trajectory. However, even if you feel cornered by misfortune after another, hold on strong, do not let go, do not give up. Stick your neck out.

At that point when you feel like all is lost, don’t you fret. When all you have are teary eyes with no one to call on, no shoulder to lean on, keep holding on. That too, shall pass. When friends and loved ones have all disappeared into the thin air and there is loud silence all around you, stretch out, take a deep breath, keep the positive vibe moving and son the tide will begin to turn in your favour however long it may take.

Yes, you have hit rock bottom, but the silver lining is that you can still ably turn around and make a strong rebound. How possible is this?

First, you need to stop for a moment and critically analyze whatever seems to have caused your upset. You need to clearly understand what brings you down so as to collect enough “ammunition” to deal with it decisively. Come up with a list of the things or people that pull you down or get you depressed. After this you need to make a concise decision as to whether I would be fine if you totally eliminated the listed things from your life or setting them aside as you fully focus on dusting yourself and getting back on your feet again.

Of importance, ensure that you keep a positive mindset always. Negativity might lead you to a wrong path, a path of agony with no conceivable solutions. In most instances, the hardest lessons are the greatest teachers and we have a choice of either taking them in our stride and learning from them or dwelling on the pain, scars and unfairness of the situation.

Secondly, start getting your mind busy by doing small things each day to cultivate an atmosphere of happiness in your life. More often we get caught up in the ugly picture of what is pulling us down, all this while being blind to the possibility of a new and better beginning. Each day embrace an act that makes you feel good. It can be meditation, favourite workout routine or simply going out for a leisure walk. Keep your focus on the important goals and do not allow negativity to get in the way. Work towards your dreams and goals every day, and you will start to see the reality you want to unfold before you.

In no time, these small positive acts will start resulting in positive differences in your life and progressively allow you to rise above your challenges once again.

The third important aspect is turning to your supportive circle of friends and family for help. Sometimes you may seem heavy laden with problems and this may be too much to bear alone. In such circumstances, don’t hesitate to reach out to the people who love and appreciate you. This circle will gladly offer you a shoulder to lean on because they would love to see you shining all over again.

The fourth important tool is elimination of everything that causes you stress. List everything that contributes towards your stress and depression and one by one start getting rid of all that. In order to create better and productive habits that will result in a more stress-free life, you have to dedicatedly look at all the negative habits that you have and make a serious decision of kicking them out. On the flipside, maybe they aren’t habits, but people or situations that result in your distress. Make sure you decisively work towards getting rid of or modifying these things for a more productive and peaceful life.

In summary, do not allow yourself to wallow in self-pity. Get the giant inside of you to arise no matter how dark the situation seems. Be positive, bold and fearless to take the road less travelled towards your re-invention and success. This too shall pass!

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